Unknown Employee No Down Payment Home Grants | RanLife Home Grant Options
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Grant Programs

Find out if one if the hundreds of grant program available are right for you. Apply today to see if you qualify for a no down payment grant today!

Grant Programs

Find out if one if the hundreds of grant program available are right for you. Apply today to see if you qualify for a no down payment grant today!

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Government Housing Grants

There are hundreds of city and state housing grants available across the country to help assist you with the down payment on a home.

RanLife specializes in these unique home purchase grant products and has the funding resources to approve most city and state grant and down payment assistance programs being offered today.

Grant Search is for Home Purchase Programs Only

Every grant program is different and thus has different restrictions and guidelines. These will vary from city to city and state to state. Click the button below to see if there are grants in your municipality, city, or state that you might use for the down payment on a home.

No Down Payment Grant Programs

Grants and Down Payment Assistance Programs come in many different sizes and colors. Some you have to pay back with minimum payments, often as low as $50.00 per month. Some don't have any monthly payment requirement. Other programs don't require you to pay back anything, provided you stay in the home for a certain period of time. From income caps to zoning restrictions, the list goes on.

Contact a Grant Loan Specialist Online or toll free at (800) 461-4152 to learn more about how a Down Payment Assistance Program can help you.

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"RanLife was able to help with a loan when no one else seemed to be interested in helping. I'm so glad they helped me buy my first home."

- Thomas Lill